Indiana Child Support Calculator | Guidelines

Indiana Child Support Calculator | Guidelines

By Staff – Last updated

The Indiana Child Support Calculator provides a way for a parent to estimate out how much you may owe in child support. The parent can make this calculation online.  The interactive calculator allows the parent to provide certain information in order to obtain an estimate of child support that may be owed. This is just an estimate. An actual child support order may be different as it may reflect unique circumstances. The online calculator is based on the Indiana Child Support Guidelines.

How to Calculate

Step 1: Visit the Indiana Judicial Branch Child Support Calculator.

Step 2: Read directions and click that you agree to abide by the guidelines.

Step 3: Enter name and date of birth for each child

Step 4: Enter whether either parent has subsequently born children and information about other support orders

Step 5: Enter information about time spent with children

Step 6: Enter information with regard to health insurance and child care costs

Step 6: Calculate the estimated amount parent owes.